All of my completed projects, puzzles & tutorials are listed below, along with a brief description. Please click the highlighted image or the "Continue Reading..." link to visit the page dedicated to that particular piece of work.

PG&E: Electricity Usage (SQL Project)

two high voltage power line towards on a blue sky background

The COVID-19 pandemic, and the public health measure stemming from it, has drastically altered our daily routines. As a result of some of those routine changes, I find myself spending much more time on the internet and on my electronic devices. After noticing my own increased reliance on electricity, I started to wonder what patterns might be observable using the historical datasets available on PG&E's website. How does electricity usage change throughout the year? How does electricity usage vary by customer type? Has there been a measurable change in the proportion of electricity used by residential and commercial customers during COVID-19?

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NFL Fan Beliefs: Fact or Fiction? (SQL Project)

a blue, futuristic football hovering in the air

As a longtime fan of National Football League (NFL) football, I’ve committed many beliefs to memory without verifying them to be true: home teams win more often than away teams, west coast teams have a comparative disadvantage when traveling to the east coast, scoring has increased over time, games are closer now than they were in the past, teams are now relying more heavily on the passing game than on the running game, and temperature has a significant impact on the game. I decided that it might be prudent to test these theories, using SQL, R, and two NFL datasets from Kaggle.

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Web Scraping Using Python (Python Tutorial)

blue and white numbers in three dimensional wormhole

Access to relevant information is crucial when we are attempting to solve a problem or improve our understanding. In many cases, this information is already available to us in external or internal datasets and access is not an issue. Sometimes, however, these datasets are not available to us directly but we are able to create them by leveraging web scraping and the surplus of publicly available information on the web. Web scraping is a powerful process that drastically increases the amount of data available to us by allowing us to access any and all of the publicly available information on webpages.

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Bookmarklets (JavaScript Tutorial)

dark blue JavaScript code on a light blue backgound

Bookmarklets are small blocks of JavaScript code that are stored as bookmark URLs and run directly from an internet browser. Although there are a variety of uses for bookmarklets, using them to save time on monotonous tasks is my personal favorite. Anytime you find yourself completing a web form over and over, in a manner according to a set of rules, a bookmarklet can probably help you save time!

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TreefortBnb: Top 100 Cities (R Puzzle)

dark blue puzzle pieces on a light blue background

This puzzle is based around an imaginary company, TreefortBnb, that has capitalized on the niche treefort rental market. TreefortBnb has basic data for each of the tree forts listed on their platform and Priceonomics has scraped in order to obtain the following data points: unique id, city, state, price, reviews. Using this data, Priceonomics wants you to provide them with a data table that lists the top 100 cities, by total number of tree forts, ordered by highest median price.

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SMART Train Ridership Trends (Google Sheets Project)

a train traveling through a station

SMART, like other public transportation systems, relies on public funding to cover the gap between revenue and costs. Earlier this year, SMART unsuccessfully attempted to pass a tax measure in the North Bay, Measure I, in order to extend the current quarter-cent SMART sales tax by an additional 30 years. In the weeks leading up to voting day, I remember hearing dozens of political ads on the radio and seeing many lawn signs propped up around my hometown of Windsor. As someone who has spent almost their entire life in the North Bay, I never really gave much thought to the SMART system and have only used it once. The polarizing rhetoric around Measure I inspired me to learn more about SMART by analyzing the publically available data and searching for interesting trends.

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