Hello! My name is George Larkin and I thank you for taking the time to browse my website. I encourage you to first review my portfolio, if you haven’t already, and then read more about who I am and why I built this website.

Why I Built This Website

Learning new skills and solving problems are two activities that I’ve always found rewarding. It doesn’t matter if I’m building a javascript bookmarklet for my department at work, learning how to use @media queries to improve my personal websites, or figuring out how to fix something broken around the house, I enjoy developing skills in order to better achieve a desired result.

Although I worked with data in a limited capacity while obtaining my bachelor’s degree, there were many skills that needed developing if I wanted to advance in any career that was centered around data. Through the completion of the work posted on this website, I’ve developed proficiency in the use of Google Sheets/Excel, Tableau, SQL, R, and Python. In addition, I’ve improved my report writing and information presentation skills while creating the write-ups for each post.

Thank you again for visiting the site and feel free to contact me on LinkedIn with questions or suggestions for future projects!

a headshot of George Larkin