Data is being recorded at an unprecedented level and every one of us -- whether we’re aware of it or not -- contributes information to this record on a near-constant basis. With this increased amount of recorded information, comes the opportunity to make better, more informed decisions. Decision makers can leverage this data to guide public policy, develop better technologies and influence business decisions. Although it is cliche, data is the future and the skills required to analyze it are more important that ever.

Welcome to Analysis from Data, a website where I post projects, puzzles and tutorials that allow me to develop these important skills and explore interesting datasets. Feel free to browse the completed work below and contact me on LinkedIn with questions or feedback!

Projects, Puzzles & Tutorials

About Me

an image of George Larkin

Learning new skills and solving problems are two activities that I’ve always found rewarding. It doesn’t matter if I’m building a javascript bookmarklet for my department at work, learning how to use @media queries to improve my personal websites, or figuring out how to fix something broken around the house, I enjoy developing skills in order to better achieve a desired result. Read more...